C.O.P.E. = Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergency
The mission of C.O.P.E. is to help residents, families, and neighborhoods become better prepared to respond to and recover from emergency situations. This includes developing individual response plans, maintaining individual emergency supply kits and outreaching to neighbors in the community.
Following a major disaster, it may be several days before vital services are restored. Larkfield is an area at high risk for a variety of natural and manmade threats: Earthquakes, Wildfires, Drought and extended power outages. First responders may not be able to meet the demand for services therefore we must rely on each other for help in order to meet our immediate life-saving and life-sustaining needs.
It is an opportunity to meet your neighbors and identify community needs and resources.
It is easier and more effective to prepare for an emergency when we work together. It can be overwhelming to figure it out individually.
It is an opportunity to assemble preparedness kits and learn how to respond in emergency situations.
To understand the dangers specific to our community and learn how to prepare for them and mitigate their effects.
It will provide you with peace of mind. We will develop a plan so in an emergency we are ready.
You are not alone, we can look out for each other as a community. We are neighbors helping neighbors.
We will be self reliant. Emergency officials say we should be prepared to be on our own for 3-5 days in an emergency situation.
To provide accurate and helpful information to first responders.
Survey our Residents
Complete a survey form for each home to know residents and understand household needs, limitations, skills and equipment.
Record Information
Record the location of gas, water and electric shutoffs for each home. Understand garage door operations and note any specific dangers or tools.
Host Resident Meetings
Discuss neighborhood plans in greater detail and provide additional preparedness training.
Maintain Plans and Kits
Keep emergency kits stocked, review preparedness plans and keep household survey information up to date.
The Larkfield Resilience Fund is currently working on establishing a C.O.P.E. group in Larkfield. Our Neighborhood leaders are currently surveying residents and compiling data to best service our community. If you are a resident of Larkfield Estates and are interested in learning more about C.O.P.E. please contact us. Additionally, to participate in our C.O.P.E. program Larkfield Estates residents can complete the Emergency Information Form below and return to us via email at larkfieldfund@gmail.com