Emergency Alerts
Currently Sonoma County uses several alert and warning services to ensure residents are notified of an emergency in their area early and accurately. Due to the increasing number of disasters we have recently experienced these systems are continuously being monitored and improved to ensure that they are as effective as possible. Some of the alert services available in Sonoma County do require users to opt-in, please use the links below to sign-up.
Or text your zip code to 888-777
Nixel will provide alerts from local agencies such as Sherriff, police, fire, city and county offices. Alerts can involve information regarding emergencies, severe weather, criminal activity, missing persons, PSPS information and severe traffic. Alerts are sent by text and email and are specific to agencies servicing your registered zip code. Residents must register to begin receiving Nixel alerts.

Emergency Alert System
SoCo Alert
SoCoAlert will notify you regarding the safety or welfare of the county. Messages sent on this service are serious are usually involve dangerous conditions or immediate threat to personal safety or property. This may include evacuation notifications, shelter in place orders, tsunami and flood warnings. This is a free service that allows emergency personnel to notify residents and businesses via telephone, cellular phone, text message, email and social media. Residents must register in order to begin receiving SoCoAlert notifications.
Wireless Emergency Alert
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) are emergency messages from federal, state and local authorities sent to your cellular phone based on your location. You will only receive these alerts where you are in the area of the emergency. Wireless messages can include alerts about imminent threats, child abductions, public safety and national emergencies. Your cellular phone much be WEA capable and be in factory settings to receive alerts. No registration is required.
The Emergency Alert System (EAS) in a national warning system in the United States. Alerts will interrupt TV broadcast and radio programming regarding imminent threats to public safety such as weather, disasters and AMBER alerts of child abductions. No registration is required.